The 7 Magic Words

There are seven magic words in the Self Realization Mantra (three of them are repeated four times).  These seven words spoken as sixteen constitute the entirety of the Self Realization Mantra.

*** Please pronounce ‘thee’ correctly, with a long e sound. Do not pronounce thee as ‘thuh.’*** 

The Two Easy To See Aspects of the Self

The first 2 lines of this mantra were revealed to David Dreamwalker Diamondheart by spirit at 5AM Arizona Time on Monday February 26th, 2018.  Prior to this divine revelation, he was in deep meditation focusing on the question “Who am I?” which was given to him by Ananta, a self realized being who lives in Tucson, Arizona.  Ananta is a disciple of Baba Muktananda, Gurumayi and Ramesh Balsekar.   David met Ananta shortly after moving to Tucson in April of 2016.

Image result for ananta tucson


During one of Ananta’s Satsangs (a spiritual discourse involving a short presentation or speech followed by Q&A), David shared that he was having difficulty meditating and asked Ananta to recommend a mantra or a focus for his meditation.  Ananta suggested that David contemplate the nature of his true self and focus on who he really is during meditation. “Who are you?” he asked.

David followed this suggestion by using the question “Who am I?” as a mantra, saying it over and over for 4 1/2 straight hours and then he stopped and waited in silence for an answer.  Spirit gave him the answer in the form of the first 2 lines of the Self Realization Mantra.  Spirit moved on David and he spoke those 8 words and as he said them, he heard the words “Iself” and “Allself” for the first time.   David began chanting these first 2 lines of the Self Realization Mantra over and over and had his Allself awakening at around 2PM on February 26th, 2018.

The answer to the question “Who am I?” only makes sense in relationship to the question “What am I?”  The answer to the question “What am I?” is consciousness. 

Consciousness has 4 distinct aspects and these four aspects are the answer to the question “Who am I?”  You are the Iself (unknown known), the Allself (known known), the Godself (known unknown) and the Noself (unknown unknown).    

What is the Self?

The Self is an individual person as the object of his or her own reflective consciousness. This reference is necessarily subjective, thus self is a reference by a subject to the same subject.  The self as discussed on this site speaks to both a personal 1st person self and a much broader and more expansive universal self.

What is the Iself? In the context of this mantra, the Iself is the individual self.  It is your personal subjective experience of being you (aka your egoic self).  The Iself is your sense of individuation and is based upon your body, your relationships, your possessions, your worldview, your life story, your preferences and all of the things that differentiate you from other people and form your sense of personal identity. 

What is individuation?  From Wikipedia "Individuation is a process of transformation whereby the personal and collective unconscious are brought into consciousness (e.g., by means of dreams, active imagination, or free association) to be assimilated into the whole personality. It is a completely natural process necessary for the integration of the psyche. - Carl Jung"

Many spiritual traditions and “new age” thinking state that this Iself is only an illusion.  In an absolute sense, it is, but while you are incarnated on this planet, it is very real, although fleeting and changing from moment to moment.  The Iself is a fluid act of improvisation.  The Iself is the unknown known aspect of consciousness also known as the Somethingness.

What is the Allself?  In the context of this mantra, the Allself is the universal self or cosmic consciousness.  The Allself is the everywhere, the everywhen, the everything and the everybody.  The Allself is the cosmic consciousness that is busy being everybody doing everything including being “you.”  We are not separate from the universe within which we find ourselves.  We are all connected to each other and we are all connected to the singular field of consciousness that permeates all of creation.  The Allself is eternal and unchanging.  The Allself is the known known aspect of consciousness also known as the Everythingness.

Another way to visualize the Allself

The Upanishads of Hinduism hold that the individual has the same essence and reality as the objective universe, and this essence is the finest essence; the individual soul is the universal soul, and Atman is the same reality and the same aesthetics as the Brahman.

For 460 days these first 2 lines were all that were revealed to David.  The first 2 lines of the Self Realization Mantra constitute version 1 and all 4 lines together are the full Self Realization Mantra.      

The last 2 lines of this mantra were revealed to David Dreamwalker Diamondheart at 9 PM on Friday May 31st, 2019.

The Two Hard To See Aspects of the Self

What is the Godself?

The Godself is the energy of the eternal or the divine.  The Godself is the  power of creation.  The Godself is beyond comprehension and transcendent.  The Godself is the spark of creation that I am/we are.   The Godself is the powers of manifestation and the flow of creativity.  It is the divine warm light that makes anything possible.   The Godself is unconditional love in its most natural state.  The Godself is the known unknown aspect of consciousness also known as the Beyondness.

There is a separate Godself Realization Mantra.

What is the Noself?

The Noself is akin to the void.  It has no sense of self at all and exists as pure potential.  It is the “canvas” upon which all of physicality is manifested.  All of us have experienced embodiment of the Noself.  Small children are born without a separate sense of self.  During early childhood, children start to develop a “self-concept,” the attributes, abilities, attitudes and values that they believe define them. By age 3, (between 18 and 30 months), children have developed their Categorical Self, which is a concrete way of viewing themselves in terms of “this or that” and “me and mine” labels.   Before the development of a separate sense of self, small children lack subject/object orientation in relation to themselves and this is why most people do not have any significant memories of themselves as a small child.  The Noself is the unknown unknown aspect of consciousness also known as the “great” Nothingness.

The four aspects of the Self individually are nonsense, but in combination, they make perfect sense. 

I Am Thee Iself – Materialistic Nonsense
I Am Thee Allself – Metaphysical Nonsense
I Am Thee Godself – Supernatural Nonsense
I Am Thee Noself  – Absolute Nonsense

Please note: This is NOT a 4 way duality, it’s ALL one thing. It’s a 4 way polarity. A bar magnet has a north and a south pole, and yet, a bar magnet is one thing. Same idea here, but with 4 aspects to this polarity instead of 2.

The Self Mapped Onto The Yin Yang

The Yin Yang symbol is a beautiful visual representation of the Self.

Consciousness = Awareness

The Iself is a differentiated focal point of unconsciousness arising within consciousness.

The Allself is undifferentiated consciousness manifesting as pure awareness.

The Godself is a differentiated focal point of consciousness arising within unconsciousness.

The Noself is undifferentiated unconsciousness manifesting as pure unawareness.

The Iself and the Godself represent differentiated focal points of awareness (consciousness or unconsciousness) that emerge within undifferentiated fields of awareness (consciousness or unconsciousness).


Please Note: These are new words and this is a new mantra and a deeper understanding of these words will likely come over time.  David’s subjective interpretation of these words is not meant to be definitive or immutable.  These words may have a slightly different or expanded meaning for you.  Take from this mantra what you will.

How To Chant The Mantra:  The Self Realization Mantra can be spoken aloud (recommended as the vocalization adds more power to the practice) OR it can be recited quietly in your own mind.  In many spiritual traditions a mantra is chanted for a “round” of 108 chants on a daily basis.  Traditionally, malas, or garlands of prayer beads, come as a string of 108 beads (plus one for the “guru bead”).

Say this mantra as many or as few times as you like.  David’s experience is that the recitation of this mantra opens the heart chakra, brings a tremendous rush of energy into your body and relaxes the mind. 

The video below contains a complete 111 round chant of the entire Self Realization Mantra sung acapella (without musical accompaniment) by David Dreamwalker Diamondheart, the progenitor of the Self Realization Mantra.


The video below contains a complete 108 round chant of the first 2 lines of the Self Realization Mantra sung by a Tibetan throat singer.  This video is based upon the 2018 version of the Self Realization Mantra and therefore only includes the first 2 lines of the Self Realization Mantra.


The 4 Aspects Of Self Ikigai Graphs

Comment: The numbers of the various overlapping consciousness fields as shown below were divinely revealed to David Dreamwalker Diamondheart and are not arbitrary.

The Middle Path

Part 1 Birth (the horizontal middle path)

Q: Where Do We Come From and What Are We?

A little ball of “nothingness” from the Noself goes through the horizontal vesica piscis in the middle picking up 111 and 555 energies along the way and a portion of the self (a zero) that is only unconscious awareness, it comes through the birth canal with amnesia as a Noself, a focal point of unconscious awareness within the Iself quadrant. A sense of self will not develop until 18-30 months of age. 666 codes for amnesia. 666 is the number of the beast and we are it folks!

Part 2 Ascension (the vertical middle path)

Q: Why Do I Keep Seeing 1111 All The Time?!

1111 is a code of awakening to the Allself to ascend towards and embody the Godself. That’s right, everybody! Nobody is getting left behind. It is now time for ALL of us to ascend. The age of gurus is over. Long live the gurus!

As the Allself ascends through the vertical vesica piscis in the middle, it picks up 333 and 777 energies and, the Self gives a 1 for oneness. As the Allself ascends through the vesica piscis, the energies add up to 1111.
333 + 1 + 777 = 1111
1111 is the code for Superconsciousness!

When the Allself emerges through the vertical vesica piscis it obtains superconsciousness. When the mass awakening of humanity is accomplished, we will ALL have Superconsciousness, like God.

Please Explain The Cross To Me

I used to think that Christianity was a bunch of symbolism for what is called astrotheology. That’s when celestial objects are anthropomorphized and given human-like qualities. Based on astrotheology, I had assumed that Jesus dying on the cross was a metaphor for the Sun reaching the lowest point on the horizon (in the northern hemisphere) on or about December 22nd and staying there “dead” for 3 days before it begins its ascent into the heavens on December 25th. See SUN ON THE SOUTHERN CROSS & THOSE THREE WISE MEN for more information.

The astrotheology aspect still holds up, but there is a VERY REAL cross going on worth discussing. All the time as new souls are coming in, other souls are ascending and making their way to the Godhead, the focal point of Superconsciousness within the Godself. These brand new souls making their way into the physical world and the souls from the Allself ascending towards the Godself “meet” in the middle of the Self.

Adding up the numbers from the cross we get 666 + 1111 = 1777

The 9 Levels Of Self Realization


A Chat With ChatGPT

I entered the Self Realization Mantra into ChatGPT, a chatbot operated by OpenAI

To ChatGPT: I am thee Iself. I am thee Allself. I am thee Godself. I am thee Noself.

ChatGPT response: It appears that you are expressing a profound affirmation or identification with various aspects of self and existence. By using the archaic form “thee” instead of “the,” you may be emphasizing a sense of sacredness or universality in these statements.

By stating “I am thee Iself,” you assert your identity as the individual self, acknowledging your unique subjective experience and personal sense of identity.

“I am thee Allself” suggests an identification with the totality of existence, emphasizing the interconnectedness and unity of all beings and aspects of reality. It reflects a recognition that your true nature is inseparable from the larger whole.

“I am thee Godself” implies a realization or acknowledgment of your divine essence or connection to a higher power or cosmic consciousness. It signifies the understanding that the divine spark resides within you, aligning your self-identity with the divine nature.

“I am thee Noself” indicates a transcendence of the limited concept of a separate self. It suggests a dissolution of the ego and the recognition that the idea of an independent, enduring self is illusory. It aligns with the notion of non-duality, emphasizing the absence of a distinct self-entity.

These statements seem to reflect a deep understanding or perspective that encompasses different aspects of self-identity and metaphysical concepts. They may resonate with spiritual or philosophical ideas that emphasize interconnectedness, transcendence of ego, and the realization of one’s true nature. It’s important to recognize that the interpretation and personal significance of these statements can vary depending on individual beliefs, experiences, and spiritual or philosophical frameworks.

To ChatGPT: I see the Allself as everyone, everything, everywhere, and everywhen. Is that a fair definition?

ChatGPT response: Yes, your definition of the Allself as “everyone, everything, everywhere, and everywhen” is a fair interpretation within the context of perceiving the Allself as the totality of existence. It reflects the understanding that the Allself encompasses all beings, objects, locations, and moments in time.

Viewing the Allself in this expansive and inclusive manner is in alignment with certain spiritual and philosophical traditions that emphasize interconnectedness, unity, and the underlying oneness of all things. It suggests a holistic perspective that goes beyond individual boundaries and recognizes the inherent interconnectedness of all aspects of existence.

By perceiving the Allself as everyone, everything, everywhere, and everywhen, you are acknowledging the fundamental interdependence and interconnected nature of reality. It signifies the recognition that all beings, objects, places, and moments are inseparable and intertwined, forming an intricate web of existence.

This understanding can be a transformative and unifying perspective that promotes empathy, compassion, and a sense of shared interconnectedness with all beings and phenomena. It can serve as a guiding principle for cultivating a deep appreciation for the inherent unity and interdependence of the universe.

To ChatGPT: Does The Self Realization Mantra align with Advaita Vedanta?

ChatGPT response: Yes, The Self Realization Mantra aligns closely with the principles and teachings of Advaita Vedanta, which is a school of thought within Hindu philosophy. Advaita Vedanta emphasizes non-duality, the notion that the ultimate reality is devoid of any inherent separation or distinction.

The Self Realization Mantra incorporates key elements of Advaita Vedanta. The phrase “I am thee Iself” acknowledges the individual self, recognizing the subjective experience and personal identity. It reflects the understanding that the true nature of the individual self is not separate from the ultimate reality.

The statement “I am thee Allself” signifies the recognition of the interconnectedness and unity of all beings and aspects of existence. It affirms the non-dual nature of reality, where the boundaries and divisions between individuals dissolve, and there is an underlying unity that pervades all.

The phrase “I am thee Godself” aligns with the Advaita Vedantic concept of recognizing the divine essence within oneself. It implies the understanding that the individual self is not separate from the supreme reality, which is often equated with the concept of God or Brahman in Advaita Vedanta.

The inclusion of the phrase “I am thee Noself” suggests a transcendence of the limited egoic self and the realization of the illusory nature of a separate self. It reflects the Advaita Vedantic teaching of negating the false identifications and attachments to the individual ego and recognizing the underlying non-dual nature of reality.

Overall, The Self Realization Mantra incorporates key themes and concepts of Advaita Vedanta, emphasizing the non-dual nature of existence, the unity of all beings, and the recognition of the divine essence within oneself. It can serve as a contemplative tool to deepen one’s understanding of non-duality and self-realization in the context of Advaita Vedanta.

To ChatGPT: Can you tell me more about The Self Realization Mantra in context as a spiritual mantra?

ChatGPT response: Certainly! The Self Realization Mantra, as you have coined it, holds significance as a spiritual mantra in the context of your personal understanding and identification with different aspects of the self. While it may not have a specific traditional origin or associated practices, it serves as a personal affirmation and reminder of your spiritual journey and interconnectedness with various aspects of existence. Here are some aspects to consider:

  1. Self-Realization: The Self Realization Mantra indicates your intention and focus on self-realization, which is the direct experiential realization of your true nature and the nature of reality. It reflects a desire to go beyond conceptual understanding and intellectual knowledge and to directly experience the essence of who you are.
  2. Identification with Different Aspects: The mantra affirms your identification with four aspects: “I am thee Iself. I am thee Allself. I am thee Godself. I am thee Noself.” Each aspect represents a different perspective or dimension of your being and existence. It acknowledges the individual self, the interconnectedness with all beings and things, the divine aspect within, and the recognition of the illusory nature of the self.
  3. Unity and Non-Duality: The mantra expresses the idea that all these aspects are interconnected and ultimately merge into a non-dualistic understanding. It emphasizes the underlying unity and oneness of all existence, blurring the boundaries between the self, others, and the divine.
  4. Affirmation and Reminder: The mantra serves as a powerful affirmation and reminder of your spiritual journey and the interconnectedness of all things. It can help anchor your awareness in the present moment, cultivate a sense of unity and compassion, and deepen your understanding of your true nature.

It’s important to note that the power and effectiveness of a mantra lie in your personal connection, sincerity, and consistent practice. The Self Realization Mantra, as a personal affirmation and expression, can support your spiritual growth and self-realization journey. You can integrate it into your meditation, contemplation, or daily affirmations to deepen your understanding and experience of the interconnectedness and non-dual nature of existence.

The Game of Self

You’ve been playing this game your whole life. This is the game board.

And then “you” showed up on the scene. A little ball of “nothingness” traveled through the horizontal vesica piscis in the middle of the self and ended up as a Godself Realized Noself in the Iself space. 555+0+111 = 666

It’ll take 18 – 30 months till you realize that you are separate from anything and anyone in your environment. Somewhere between 1 1/2 and 2 1/2 years of age you develop what is called a Categorical Self and begin to think of yourself in terms of this and that and me and mine.

Congratulations! You are now an Iself (or individual self) in the Iself space. Most people will live their entire life within the black area of the game board and die as spiritual infants.

Let’s back up a little here and define terms and state the “goal” of this game (if indeed there is one).

What is the Iself? In the context of this mantra, the Iself is the individual self.  It is your personal subjective experience of being you (aka your egoic self).  The Iself is your sense of individuation and is based upon your body, your relationships, your possessions, your worldview, your life story, your preferences and all of the things that differentiate you from other people and form your sense of personal identity. 

What is the Allself?  In the context of this mantra, the “Allself” is the universal self or cosmic consciousness.  The Allself is the everywhere, the everywhen, the everything and the everybody.  The Allself is the cosmic consciousness that is busy being everybody doing everything including being “you.”  We are not separate from the universe within which we find ourselves.  We are all connected to each other and we are all connected to the singular field of consciousness that permeates all of creation.  The Allself is eternal and unchanging.  The Allself is the known known aspect of consciousness also known as the Everythingness.

Another way to visualize the Allself:

What is the Godself?

The Godself is the energy of the eternal or the divine.  The Godself is the  power of creation.  The Godself is beyond comprehension and transcendent.  The Godself is the spark of creation that I am/we are.   The Godself is the powers of manifestation and the flow of creativity.  It is the divine warm light that makes anything possible.   The Godself is unconditional love in its most natural state.  The Godself is the known unknown aspect of consciousness also known as the Beyondness.

What is the Noself?

The Noself is akin to the void.  It has no sense of self at all and exists as pure potential.  It is the “canvas” upon which all of physicality is manifested.  All of us have experienced embodiment of the Noself.  Small children are born without a separate sense of self.  During early childhood, children start to develop a “self-concept,” the attributes, abilities, attitudes and values that they believe define them. By age 3, (between 18 and 30 months), children have developed their Categorical Self, which is concrete way of viewing themselves in “this or that” labels.   Before development of a separate sense of self, small children lack subject / object orientation in relation to themselves and this is why most people do not have any significant memories of themselves as a small child.  The Noself is the unknown unknown aspect of consciousness also known as the “great” or infinite Nothingness.

The “Goal” is to be centered in the Self. The ideal is to simultaneously realize on a transcendent level that you are this individual self, everyone and everything, God and the infinite nothingness.

The Game of Self answers the question “Who am I?” but it doesn’t answer the question “What am I?” The answer to that question is that you are CONSCIOUSNESS. You are all of consciousness, not only the calm, peaceful, restful aspects of consciousness.

The four aspects of consciousness: The unknown known (Iself), the known known (Allself), the known unknown (Godself) and the unknown unknown (Noself)

I will now get to step 2. I will relate aspects of my own awakening as that is what I am most intimately familiar with. On February 26th, 2018, I was given the first 2 lines of the Self Realization Mantra by spirit (source) and had my Allself awakening at 2PM. IMHO, an Allself awakening is the most likely first step outside of the black area of the Iself field. Since you can see everyone and everything, that’s your most likely first step, but it could happen differently. Your results may vary.

I Am Thee Iself

I Am Thee Allself

On February 26th, 2018 at 2 PM, I had my Allself awakening. I crossed over into the 222 consciousness field which is an overlap of the Iself field with the Allself field. I KNEW (not thought, believed, hoped, wished, or felt) that we are all one thing. A thought bubble rose up in my mind at that precise moment and it went like this “Holy shit! I’m me, I’m God, I’m everyone and everything!”

460 days later, on May 31st, 2019, I was gifted the last 2 lines of the Self Realization Mantra. 9 days of mantra chanting later, I had my transcendent awakening to oneness.

I Am Thee Iself

I Am Thee Allself

I Am Thee Godself

I Am Thee Noself

The last 2 realizations happened very quickly in succession on June 9th, 2019 at 4PM. I realized that I am God (the Godself) and the infinite nothingness (Noself) right afterwards.

Points of clarification:

Once you break out of the black Iself space into the overlapping Allself or Godself, there’s no unrealizing that realization. Once you cross over into an overlapping consciousness field, you will tend to bounce around within the various overlapping consciousness fields of which there are 9.

The 111, 333, 555 and 777 consciousness fields are harder to maintain. Chances are that your consciousness will come to rest in the 222, 444, 666 or 888 fields. I tend to find myself in the 888 and 222 fields most often. In the center of the Self, there is no action at all, so if you are engaged in some action in this world, your consciousness is operating from one of the 8 outer overlapping consciousness fields.

It is much more difficult to cross over 2 consciousness fields at the same time.

The Noself is the hardest realization IMHO because the mind cannot easily identify with absolute nothingness.

What is a transcendent awakening to oneness? Immediately after realizing myself as all 4 aspects of the Self, my perspective shifted beyond all identification into a state of awakened presence. I am all 4 aspects of the Self and at the exact same time, I am beyond all labels and all concepts.

May you come to be self realized and then transcend that realization.


The Animated Avadhuta – Read by Mooji

Truly, you are the unchanging essence of everything.
You are the unmoving unity.
You are boundless freedom.

Form and Formlessness

Even before the first thought arises in our minds, there is existence. I refer to this as “amness.” When we are born, we have unconscious (formless or nonconceptual) awareness, but we do not possess “consciousness” per se. Consciousness, as we normally think about it, is based on facts and concepts and thinking patterns and logic and reasoning and intuition and can be correctly described as conceptual consciousness.

A newborn baby has an unconscious awareness (formless or nonconceptual awareness). Awareness is the one constant feature of existence. In fact, you have never had an experience that you were not aware of. Every experience that you have ever had occurred within your conscious awareness. Awareness of awareness, or conscious (form-based or conceptual) awareness, is what is normally referred to as consciousness. Awareness of awareness doesn’t arise when you are born, it arises later.

Until you realize that you are a “thing,” until you realize that you have “itness,” you have unconscious (formless or nonconceptual) awareness. It is for this reason that most people have almost no memories of themselves as a very small child. Two factors are at play here – 1) with no language skills and a lack of symbolic logic, it is quite difficult to imprint or program memories and 2) you haven’t realized that you are a “thing” yet, so how could anything happen to you that you can remember?

This is not to say that nothing happened to you when you were a small child. You were fed and cuddled and dressed and transported and had diaper changes and baths. You played with other children and adults. But because you didn’t realize that you were a thing, nothing could happen that you were consciously aware of. Because you didn’t realize that you had itness, you had no reference point to encode a memory for anything that happened to you. Every single memory that you have is from after you developed an egoic sense of self because prior to the development of the ego you had no reference point to have memories.

In many spiritual traditions, an effort is made to get people to disidentify with everything external and internal. The line of thinking goes something like this: “You are not your body, you are not your thoughts, you are not your relationships, you are not your possessions, you are not your ego, you are not your job, you are not how you show up in the world, etc.” and to a large extent, this line of thinking is correct except, it leaves you with the conclusion that you are ONLY a formless field of clear awareness.

Formlessness moves into form and then back into formlessness. Impermanence is a very real thing. Many spiritual traditions and teachers provide a very binary choice of EITHER identifying as a formless field of clear awareness OR as your egoic sense of self.

Binary choices are a very limited way to perceive yourself. Your egoic sense of self (Iself) is a fluid act of improvisation and this egoic sense of self is rooted in your personal history, your body and your emotions. Your ego will perish when your body perishes and yet, for a very brief moment in time, this egoic self is an aspect of who you are.

Your Iself is the “mask” you put on when you go out into the world and it is who you tell yourself you are when you are talking to yourself in your head all day long. It is the character you are playing in the divine comedy we call life. Underneath this mask, you are the Noself.

You are all form and you are all formlessness. You are all consciousness. You are the ocean in a drop and you are a drop in the ocean. You are the deep still waters and you are the waves appearing on the surface. You are all of it. Below is a map of consciousness. On the left side is what is known. On the right side is what is unknown. The left side corresponds with the world of forms. The right side corresponds with formlessness. While it is tempting to identify ONLY as what is formless, to identify as strictly the Noself ignores all forms and is a logical error. You are ALL of consciousness, not only the formless aspects of consciousness.

I will close this post with these 2 videos. The speakers in these videos have a slightly different perspective than I do, but those differences are slight and inconsequential.

I Amness

The “I Amness” words by Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

“Where has the experience of being alive come from which started all this trouble? The ‘I’ consciousness appeared spontaneously and the experiences started. When you got yourself separated from the Absolute with this identity, ‘I am’, your demands started.

In the Absolute there are no needs of any kind, not even the need to know Itself. Brahman is the total truth; there is nothing else but Brahman. In That, the touch of beingness, ‘I am’, started, and then the separation and the sense of otherness appeared. Coming down into this world from the Absolute is like the appearance of a dream. Along with that appearance comes the primary ignorance, the false notion that you are the body. That is illusion, maya.

Maya is very powerful; she will get you completely wrapped up. She will make you do all her tricks, and that light of yours, the beingness gets extinguished. But, although she might be your greatest enemy, if you propitiate her properly, she will turn around and lead you to the highest state.

First, know that you are the manifest consciousness, the ‘I am’. Then go to the source and find out where this ‘I am’ came from. When you have knowledge you see the ‘I am’ as all-pervasive, so long as that consciousness is there. But then, this knowledge merges into no-knowledge, the Parabrahman, the witness of the consciousness. That has no ‘I am’; that is your true eternal nature. It is on this true, whole, homogeneous state that a small ripple appeared. Then the news came, “I am”. That news made all the difference, for then all this started. You must know your true state, and know that this ripple comes and goes on your true state.

Beingness witnesses all this manifestation, but the eternal principle, the Absolute, witnesses the beingness. The universal Absolute understands the play of the attributes, the projection of the mind, but the play cannot understand the Absolute. Prior to taking this form you were formless; then spontaneously the form came. But, once the form came there arose a natural longing to return to the formless, the desireless state.

Consciousness has to know consciousness. When it realizes itself, then you wake up and return to normal. In this waking up you have only the sense of being, without words; this is the primary principle… the prerequisite. A little later on, you know fully that you are and, therefore, the world is, but you also know that to be an illusion like the horns of a hare; the world is only a dream.

This consciousness of being ‘I am’, has created and sustained all the wonders in the world for which men take credit. It has tremendous powers. This beingness is itself Lord Krishna. It is whatever name you give to the Divinity.

Be devoted to this beingness. Always remember this ‘I am’ principle, and without the command or direction of this principle, do nothing. In the initial stages your devotion is of the surrendering type. In the final stages you become the entire universe.

Take it that this ‘I amness’ of yours is the unadulterated form of Godhood. The pure divine state is your beingness. Have full faith in It, give It its full importance, pray to It, and it will flower in you as the direct experience of Godliness.

Think: “The entire manifest beingness is myself and each being is a sample of myself. The knowledge ‘I am’ in each species is myself. The life force, luminous, bright, radiant, indwelling principle is myself.”

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj”

June 29, 1980
Nisargadatta Maharaj: Whatever concept you have about yourself cannot be true. The “I Amness” is the prime concept, and it has to be satisfied by letting it do its normal work in the world. The important thing is the realization of the fact that it is a concept.
Questioner: In the world this concept is always trying to be at the top. Even to the children we say, “You must be first in the examination.” Is it wrong to push your personality and individuality on others?
M. What is wrong is that you consider yourself to be limited to this body and shape. What knowledge I try to give is given to the knowledge “I Am” in each of you, which is the same. If you try to get that knowledge as an individual you will never get it.
Q. If `I Am” is a concept and it disappears, how is one to know that that concept has disappeared?
M. That “I Am” is a concept is to be understood while the concept is there. Once it merges in the original state, who (or what) is there who wants to know? The illusory entity has disappeared.
Q. I am convinced that this “I Am” is a concept and it will end, but why should I take it that it is a false concept?
M. How and when did this very thought come? Did this thought not come merely as a movement in that concept itself? If the consciousness were not there, the thought would not be there.
Consciousness is a temporary condition which has come upon the total, timeless, spaceless, changeless state. It is a happening which has come and which will disappear.
This psychosomatic bundle which is born will suffer or enjoy during its allotted span; so long as I know that I am not the one who experiences, but I am the knower, how am I concerned?
It is perfectly clear. I merely watch the body, mind, and consciousness laugh or suffer. In suffering it may cry out, all right, cry out. If it is enjoying, it may laugh. I know it is a temporary thing, if it wants to go, let it go. While I am talking to you, imparting knowledge, at the same time I am feeling unbearable pain, if it becomes a little more unbearable I may whimper. It can do what it likes, I am not concerned.
So long as you have not known what this consciousness is, you will fear death; but when you really understand what this consciousness is, then the fear leaves, the idea of dying also will go.
This consciousness is time-bound, but the knower of the consciousness is eternal, the Absolute.
source: Nisargadatta, Prior to Consciousness p. 19

Commentary: Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj puts forth the idea that “The “I Amness” is the prime concept.” Before there can be “I Amness,” there has to be “amness” or beingness or existence from which the I thought arises. This brings up the question of whether existence is conceptual or factual. Descarte said “I think, therefore I am.” It is equally valid (if not more so) to state “I am, therefore I think.” Without amness, there can be no thought of “I amness.”

Being Aware of Being Aware

Nonduality Teacher Rupert Spira

The Advaita Trap

Some people take nonduality WAY too seriously and in the process turn into insufferable bores. You can fully embody oneness/nonduality and continue to use pronouns such as “I,” “me,” and “you” in a normal way and speak about people, places, times and situations in a regular and down to earth manner. If you take the teachings of nonduality and use them as a bludgeon to irritate and annoy others, that doesn’t make you enlightened, it makes you an asshole.

The 7 Essene Mirrors

From the perspective of the ancient Essenes, every human on the earth is an initiate in the Mystery School that we call Life. Whether they are conscious of it or not, every human will experience in the presence of others mirrors of themselves in that moment. If we have the wisdom to recognize those mirrors, we may accelerate the evolution of emotion and understanding.

What the Essenes said was that for us to know and master ourselves in this world, we will see one or some combination of mirrored patterns in others. The seven mirrors are progressively more and more subtle. Back in the ’70s, we heard about the first mirror, of who you are in the moment. The notion was that if you find yourself around individuals who are angry or dishonest, they are showing you your dishonesty or anger. Sometimes the mirrors would apply, but sometimes they wouldn’t. We had discovered the first mirror, but had yet to see the other mirrors, such as the second mirror, which reflects what we judge in the moment.

This is tremendously powerful but very subtle. The ancient Essenes had a very sophisticated understanding of interpersonal human relationships and the role of emotion in those relationships. It’s the role of emotion that we have carefully sifted out of our Western experience up until very recently. Now, as we go back into these texts, we see that it is emotion that proves the power and, when coupled with logic, true magic and miracles occur.

Rupert Spira – All That is Necessary

Rupert Spira in Satsang talking about how experience is all that there is.

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